5th Edition of the Africa Youth Peace Summit

About the Summit

The fifth edition of the African Youth Peace Summit by Firdaous Initiative for Academic Excellence (FIAE) was held on 25th May 2024 with the theme: “UPHOLDING HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY AND PEACE AMID UNCONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES OF GOVERNMENT IN AFRICA”. The Chief Host was Mr. Abdulkareem Azeez, FIAE Director, while the session was moderated by Ms Alessia Tesoro, Intern Peace & Conflict Unit. The Chief Guest of the summit was Dr. Halima Tope Akaje who is a Lecturer, Kwara State University, Malete. The Summit invited seven (7) speakers from both academia and practise. They are; Dr. Manuel Brunner, Prof. of PIL & IHL University of the German Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany; Kawsar Laanani, Policy Officer, European Centre for Development Polic Management; David Otto, International Terrorism Consultant/ coin researcher at Stepped In Step Out UK LTDt; Awet Halefom, African Fellow, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation; Dr. A. J. Suleiman, Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria; Obafemi Richard Jegede, Humanitarian & Visionary Leader, Women Reform Organization; and Dr. Muhammad Tukur Jibril , Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria.

Summit Details

This year summit was part and parcel of the Third Edition of the FIAE International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition which brought together university across Africa to argue a hypothetical case on conflict resolution in Africa under the yet to be established African Court of Justice and Human Rights. 

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