4th Edition of the Africa Youth Peace Summit

About the Summit

The fourt edition of the African Youth Peace Summit by Firdaous Initiative for Academic Excellence (FIAE) formerly Firdaous Integrated Services Limited (FIS) was held on 25th May 2023 with the theme: “TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PEACE IN AFRICA: UNDERSTANDING & ADDRESSING THE ROOT CAUSES OF CONFLICT”. The Chief Host was Mr. Abdulkareem Azeez, FIAE Director, while the session was moderated by MS Adeke Joy Mary, FIAE Peace and Conflict Unit head with her Intern Ms. Alessia Tesoro. The Chief Guest of the summit was Mustapha Sundifu Katta who is a Social Development Expert and Consultant from Sierra Leone. The Special guest was Prof. PLO Lumumba who is a Lawyer & Pan Africanist from Kenya. The Summit invited four (4) speakers from both academia and practise. They are; Prof. Abiodun Amuda-Kannike SAN who is a Professor of law & Dean of the Faculty of Law, Kwara State University (Nigeria); Monica Chipanta Mwansa who is the Director of Taxation and Financial Crimes Department: National Prosecution Authority- (Zambia); Abieyuwa Stephanie Usoh-Iriabe who is a Prosecutor & Legal Officer with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Nigeria); and Samuel Ogwal who is a Law Don/ Legal Associate (Uganda).

Summit Details

This year summit was part and parcel of the Second Edition of the FIAE International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition which brought together university across Africa to argue a hypothetical case on conflict resolution in Africa under the yet to be established African Court of Justice and Human Rights. 

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